TB Genome Annotation Portal

Rv2948c (fadD22)

Amino Acid Sequence

(Nucleotide sequence available on KEGG)

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Classification Condition Strain Method Reference Notes
Non-Essential Sodium Oleate H37RvMA Gumbel Subhalaxmi Nambi Probability of Essentiality: 0.000000;
4 non-insertions in a row out of 48 sites
Non-Essential Lignoceric Acid H37RvMA Gumbel Subhalaxmi Nambi Probability of Essentiality: 0.000000;
2 non-insertions in a row out of 48 sites
Non-Essential Phosphatidylcholine H37RvMA Gumbel Subhalaxmi Nambi Probability of Essentiality: 0.000000;
2 non-insertions in a row out of 48 sites
Non-Essential minimal media + 0.1% glycerol H37RvMA Gumbel Griffin et al. (2011) Probability of Essentiality: 0.000000;
3 non-insertions in a row out of 48 sites
Non-Essential minimal media + 0.01% cholesterol H37RvMA Gumbel Griffin et al. (2011) Probability of Essentiality: 0.000000;
4 non-insertions in a row out of 48 sites
Non-Essential 7H10-glycerol H37RvMA TraSH Sassetti et al. (2003a)
Non-Essential C57BL/6J mice (8 weeks) H37RvMA TraSH Sassetti et al. (2003b) Hybridization Ratio: 2.09
Non-Essential 7H09/7H10 + rich media H37RvMA MotifHMM DeJesus et al. (2017) Fully saturated (14 reps).

TnSeq Data No data currently available.
  • No TnSeq data currently available for this Target.
RNASeq Data No data currently available.
  • No RNA-Seq data currently available for this Target.
Metabolomic Profiles No data currently available.
  • No Metabolomic data currently available for this Target.
Proteomic Data No data currently available.
  • No Proteomic data currently available for this Target.

Regulatory Relationships from Systems Biology
  • BioCyc

    Gene interactions based on ChIPSeq and Transcription Factor Over-Expression (TFOE) (Systems Biology)

    NOTE: Green edges represent the connected genes being classified as differentially essential as a result of the middle gene being knocked out. These interactions are inferred based on RNASeq.

    Interactions based on ChIPSeq data

  • Interactions based on ChIPSeq data (Minch et al. 2014)

    Interactions based on TFOE data (Rustad et al. 2014)

    • Upregulates:

      • Does not upregulate other genes.
    • Upregulated by:

      • Not upregulated by other genes.
    • Downregulates:

      • Does not downregulate other genes.
    • Downregulated by:


    Tubculosis Community Annotation Project (
    Slayden et al., 2013)

    Rv2948c (fadD22)

    InteractionOperon Rv2950cashwinigbhatIEPCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
    CitationmosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. J. Bacteriol. 2009ashwinigbhatNAS19648248Co-expression (Functional linkage)
    InteractionOperon Rv2949cashwinigbhatNASCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
    InteractionOperon Rv2450cashwinigbhatNASCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
    CitationmosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. J. Bacteriol. 2009ashwinigbhatIEP19648248Co-expression (Functional linkage)
    InteractionRegulatory Rv0348ashwinigbhatIEPCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
    InteractionRegulatedBy Rv0348yamir.morenoIEPMicroarrays. mRNA levels of regulated element measured and compared between wild-type and trans-element mutation (knockout, over expression etc.) performed by using microarray (or macroarray) experiments..
    B. Abomoelak, EA. Hoye et al. mosR, a novel transcriptional regulator of hypoxia and virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Bacteriol. 2009
    Namep-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoatesmjacksonIMPPhthiocerol dimycocerosates (PDIM), phenolic glycolipids (PGL) and para-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives
    Namep-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoatesmjacksonIDAPhthiocerol dimycocerosates (PDIM), phenolic glycolipids (PGL) and para-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives
    CitationMycobacterial phenolic glycolipid virulence factor biosynthesis: mechanism and small-molecule inhibition of polyketide chain initiation. JA. Ferreras, KL. Stirrett et al. Chem. Biol. 2008mjackson18158259p-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoates (phenotypic [mycobacterial recombinant strains]; enzymatic)
    OtherTBPWY:Phthiocerol dimycocerosates, PGL & pHBADmjacksonp-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoates (phenotypic [mycobacterial recombinant strains]; enzymatic)
    JA. Ferreras, KL. Stirrett et al. Mycobacterial phenolic glycolipid virulence factor biosynthesis: mechanism and small-molecule inhibition of polyketide chain initiation. Chem. Biol. 2008
    CitationCooperation between a coenzyme A-independent stand-alone initiation module and an iterative type I polyketide synthase during synthesis of mycobacterial phenolic glycolipids. W. He,CE. Soll,SS. Chavadi,G. Zhang,JD. Warren,LE. Quadri J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009mjackson19799378p-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoates (phenotypic [mycobacterial recombinant strains]; enzymatic)
    OtherTBPWY:Phthiocerol dimycocerosates, PGL & pHBADmjacksonp-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoates (phenotypic [mycobacterial recombinant strains]; enzymatic)
    W. He,CE. Soll,SS. Chavadi,G. Zhang,JD. Warren,LE. Quadri Cooperation between a coenzyme A-independent stand-alone initiation module and an iterative type I polyketide synthase during synthesis of mycobacterial phenolic glycolipids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009
    CitationDelineation of the roles of FadD22, FadD26 and FadD29 in the biosynthesis of phthiocerol dimycocerosates and related compounds in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. authors,R. Simone,M. Lger,P. Constant,W. Malaga,H. Marrakchi,M. Daff,C. Guilhot,C. Chalut FEBS J. 2010mjackson20553505p-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoates (phenotypic [mycobacterial recombinant strains]; enzymatic)
    OtherTBPWY:Phthiocerol dimycocerosates, PGL & pHBADmjacksonp-hydroxybenzoyl-AMP ligase involved in the biosynthesis of phenolic glycolipids; catalyzes the activation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its subsequent transfer onto Pks15/1 for the production of p-hydroxyphenylalkanoates (phenotypic [mycobacterial recombinant strains]; enzymatic)
    authors,R. Simone,M. Lger,P. Constant,W. Malaga,H. Marrakchi,M. Daff,C. Guilhot,C. Chalut Delineation of the roles of FadD22, FadD26 and FadD29 in the biosynthesis of phthiocerol dimycocerosates and related compounds in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEBS J. 2010
