TB Genome Annotation Portal

Rv1477 (ripA)

Amino Acid Sequence

(Nucleotide sequence available on KEGG)

Additional Information

activated by MarP during acid stress:
Botella et al. (2017). Mycobacterium tuberculosis protease MarP activates a peptidoglycan hydrolase during acid stress. EMBO J. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5437814/


MtbTnDB - interactive tool for exploring a database of published TnSeq datasets for Mtb

TnSeqCorr - genes with correlated TnSeq profiles across >100 conditions *new*

Classification Condition Strain Method Reference Notes
Essential Sodium Oleate H37RvMA Gumbel Subhalaxmi Nambi Probability of Essentiality: 1.000000;
23 non-insertions in a row out of 24 sites
Essential Lignoceric Acid H37RvMA Gumbel Subhalaxmi Nambi Probability of Essentiality: 1.000000;
23 non-insertions in a row out of 24 sites
Essential Phosphatidylcholine H37RvMA Gumbel Subhalaxmi Nambi Probability of Essentiality: 1.000000;
23 non-insertions in a row out of 24 sites
Essential minimal media + 0.1% glycerol H37RvMA Gumbel Griffin et al. (2011) Probability of Essentiality: 1.000000;
23 non-insertions in a row out of 25 sites
Essential minimal media + 0.01% cholesterol H37RvMA Gumbel Griffin et al. (2011) Probability of Essentiality: 1.000000;
21 non-insertions in a row out of 25 sites
Essential 7H10-glycerol H37RvMA TraSH Sassetti et al. (2003a)
Essential C57BL/6J mice (8 weeks) H37RvMA TraSH Sassetti et al. (2003b) Hybridization Ratio: 0.06
Essential-Domain 7H09/7H10 + rich media H37RvMA MotifHMM DeJesus et al. (2017) Fully saturated (14 reps).

TnSeq Data No data currently available.
  • No TnSeq data currently available for this Target.
RNASeq Data No data currently available.
  • No RNA-Seq data currently available for this Target.
Metabolomic Profiles No data currently available.
  • No Metabolomic data currently available for this Target.
Proteomic Data No data currently available.
  • No Proteomic data currently available for this Target.

Regulatory Relationships from Systems Biology
  • BioCyc

    Gene interactions based on ChIPSeq and Transcription Factor Over-Expression (TFOE) (Systems Biology)

    NOTE: Green edges represent the connected genes being classified as differentially essential as a result of the middle gene being knocked out. These interactions are inferred based on RNASeq.

    Interactions based on ChIPSeq data

  • Interactions based on ChIPSeq data (Minch et al. 2014)

    Interactions based on TFOE data (Rustad et al. 2014)


    Tubculosis Community Annotation Project (
    Slayden et al., 2013)

    Rv1477 (ripA)

    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450csinghpankaj2116IMPCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450csinghpankaj2116IMPCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450csinghpankaj2116IMPCo-expression (Functional linkage)
    authors,GV. Mukamolova,AS. Kaprelyants,DI. Young,M. Young,DB. Kell A bacterial cytokine. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1998
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450crichasinha4uIDAYeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    KJ. Downing, JC. Betts et al. Global expression profiling of strains harbouring null mutations reveals that the five rpf-like genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis show functional redundancy. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2004
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450crichasinha4uIDAYeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450crichasinha4uIDAYeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    authors,JM. Tufariello,WR. Jacobs,J. Chan Individual Mycobacterium tuberculosis resuscitation-promoting factor homologues are dispensable for growth in vitro and in vivo. Infect. Immun. 2004
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv2450crichasinha4uIDAYeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
    CitationA partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. Mol. Microbiol. 2007vijayachitraIPI17919286Yeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    InteractionActivates Rv1009vijayachitraIPIYeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
    InteractionActivates Rv2450cvijayachitraIPIYeast two-hybrid (Physical interaction)
    EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009harsharohiratruefriendIPIyeast two hybrid
    EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A partner for the resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol. Microbiol. 2007
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009harsharohiratruefriendIPIyeast two hybrid
    BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009harsharohiratruefriendIPIyeast two hybrid
    JM. Tufariello, K. Mi et al. Deletion of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis resuscitation-promoting factor Rv1009 gene results in delayed reactivation from chronic tuberculosis. Infect. Immun. 2006
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv1009harsharohiratruefriendIPIyeast two hybrid
    KJ. Downing, VV. Mischenko et al. Mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lacking three of the five rpf-like genes are defective for growth in vivo and for resuscitation in vitro. Infect. Immun. 2005
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv0867cgirishgene07IPIAffinity purification (Physical interaction)
    BD. Kana, BG. Gordhan et al. The resuscitation-promoting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are required for virulence and resuscitation from dormancy but are collectively dispensable for growth in vitro. Mol. Microbiol. 2008
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv0867cgirishgene07IPIAffinity purification (Physical interaction)
    EC. Hett, MC. Chao et al. A mycobacterial enzyme essential for cell division synergizes with resuscitation-promoting factor. PLoS Pathog. 2008
    InteractionPhysicalInteraction Rv0867cgirishgene07IPIAffinity purification (Physical interaction)
    S. Bardarov, S. Bardarov Jr et al. Specialized transduction: an efficient method for generating marked and unmarked targeted gene disruptions in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG and M. smegmatis. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2002
    SymbolripAmjacksonIDAPeptidoglycan turnover
    NamePeptidoglycan hydrolase (L,D-peptidase, NLP/P60 family member)mjacksonIDAPeptidoglycan turnover
